I think it would be unfair to never mention how scared I am. I'm picking up everything, I'm leaving no home behind and I'm only saving enough for emergencies. I'm gonna count on me being personable and talented enough to get clients out of thin air in cities I've never been to.
I spent almost everything I have to pay my past due cell phone bill, just knowing that I need it to get this project rolling. I have to practice sacrifice for this to work. It's nerve-wrecking to think about leaving this town and not knowing where I'll have my own room again. I've been dying to go to college for years now, I've wanted to study literature and journalism for so long, but I'm not ready to commit. Maybe I'm just a 23 year old man... but maybe its something more.
Yesterday I called one of my mentors at Altamoda. Clarissa and I come from two different lives, and she's years ahead of me (I won't say how many.) I realized while telling her these very words, I just haven't seen anything! I've lived here, and in Boston, but I haven't seen anything of the world that someone hasn't showed me through their eyes.
News, television, magazines and the stories and advice of others. Its all somebody's perspective, the way they saw it. I've gotta see it myself.I keep scaring myself with "what ifs" and "maybes" but at the same time those question marks are pushing me further and further into this. Adventure is in my blood. I remember being in 5th grade and reading about American history. What I wouldn't give to explore uncharted land. Instead, I'm exploring uncharted people and lifestyles. And their hair. I can't wait to see how older women wear their hair in Savannah and Atlanta. I have this new obsession with meeting Paula Dean and styling her hair for an episode.
My friend Gretta says, about scaring myself out of this trip, "Just plan on having a good time in a few cities, that way you don't scare yourself by making it such a big deal." I like this, but I'm not sure if I'm totally capable of it.
My mom, one of the first few followers of this blog, lives by "THINK BIG." Her thoughts on all this are just what I thought they'd be, "I'd love to see you settle down and make a life for yourself and get more involved with the church, but you gotta do what you gotta do." Between this and her always saying, "keep being a rockstar" before she hangs up the phone, I've got my mom in my heart through this all.
As if God was trying to tell me this was the right thing to do, special circumstances brought my time at Altamoda to an end yesterday. Leaving behind a beautiful salon where I found a home when I really needed one, I had a lot of mixed feelings. Really, I should have been devastated. If I didn't have this plan in the works, and already plan on leaving, I would have been. I knew I had to leave now or I might not ever.
It's almost surreal. Yesterday on my way to work I was coming up with a speech for each of my 3 bosses that I planned to give one on one with each of them. I had nothing but good to say, and while I sat in the office with all 3 of them, I felt it was time. Phillip and Eileen Rosado have shown me the best of the art of hair. Phillip trained me in Toni&Guy hair cutting, which is invaluable. Eileen showed me the precision work necessary for the knock out color I look for. And Stefanie Corbet showed me, through her own actions and words, how to make yourself an animal in the workplace and keep your heart from going cold.
I promise there will be pictures soon, I'm planning to showcase some of my recent clients and give a little bio about them all. I'm also lining up some clients to do on location in the next few days, so I'll get some work up a.s.a.p.
I'm also trying to design a flier. A handbill with a link to my blog and a short excerpt about my adventure. My phone number or email, maybe a photo of me. I've recruited the help of an artistic genius of sorts. I consider myself an artist, but when I get all wrapped up in colors and fonts and design, well, I'll get stuck for days designing a flier.
Today I talked to a recruiter for the Hair Cuttery. I know, I know. The Hair Cuttery? Honestly I need to make some serious dough this summer, and if I was thinking long term I'd find another nice salon to build a clientele in. But with me leaving, I just need something high volume where I can meet a lot of people and make awesome tips. I figure if I'm doing good at a salon downtown, I should be okay in a corporate joint... we'll see.
I'm about to get ready and hit the town. Bus 30 eastbound from Alafaya. I'm headed to the beauty supply to get some... beauty supplies. I'm excited, I've never bought professional color with my license before, I've never had to at the salon.
Wish me luck.